Compendium of best practices in education for equality

Compendium of best practices in education for equality

10 objectives for gender equality education:

  1. Attach importance to the expression of emotions and provide students with the time and resources to do so.
  2. Respect and value everyone’s wishes.
  3. Break down stereotypes and question assertions that state that gender roles are inherent, teaching students that individuals come in all shapes and sizes and taking time to reflect upon and discuss any different questions that may arise.
  4. Learn what students are interested in and allow them to express themselves in different ways.
  5. Accept that the requirements and demands that can be made of students may differ from individual to individual, and respect the pace at which each one learns.
  6. Strive to ensure teachers demonstrate a positive attitude to coeducation, recognising the mechanisms that create gender differences and accepting that it is part of their job to ensure the incorporation of the gender perspective.
  7. Regulate teachers’ attitudes to students’ different characteristics.
  8. Strive to live together in harmony at school, with no gender discrimination.
  9. Use inclusive language to foster inclusive attitudes and to offer equal opportunities to all students.
  10. Actively observe what is going on around you from a gender perspective and propose any necessary changes.
Skills needed:
School, Teaching resources